Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art. Collection Highlights.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art - Gretchen M. Stolte

The Torres Strait Islander peoples’ deep knowledge of the stars and sea provide them with valuable information regarding changes in the seasons, when to plant gardens and hunt for turtles or the manatee-like dugong, and how to circumnavigate the seas. The Torres Strait Islands are a group of at least 274 small islands in Torres Strait, the waterway separating far northern continental Australia's Cape York Peninsula and the island of New Guinea. They span an area of 48,000 km 2 (19,000 sq mi), but their total land area is 566 km 2 (219 sq mi). Torres Strait Islander peoples - Torres Strait Islander peoples - History and governance: Contact with the Europeans who established a settlement at Somerset, near the tip of Cape York, in 1863 had a significant impact on traditional Torres Strait Islander culture. The discovery of large quantities of pearl shells in the Torres Strait region in 1870 led to the establishment of the pearling image caption More Torres Strait Islanders live on the mainland than in the Strait Over the past 25 years, archaeologists working in the Torres Strait have found evidence of human settlement The islands' indigenous inhabitants are the Torres Strait Islanders, who are distinct from both the Papuans of adjoining New Guinea and from Aboriginal groups on the nearby Australian mainland but related to both.

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Se hela listan på creativespirits.info The Torres Strait Islanders have two main Melanesian languages (and a pidgin English) and is increasingly concentrated in the urban centre of Thursday Island (within the Torres Strait). In the twentieth century there was considerable migration to the Cape York peninsula on the mainland and to the large urban centres of Cairns, Townsville and Brisbane. Over 6,800 Torres Strait Islanders live on the Islands and 42,000 live on the mainland. They are predominately Melanesian in ethnicity, distinct in language and background from the Australian Aboriginals of the mainland to the south. These islands have a variety of topographies, ecosystems and formation history.

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The discovery of large quantities of pearl shells in the Torres Strait region in 1870 led to the establishment of the pearling Torres Strait Islanders live in all states and territories of Australia, in urban, regional and remote areas, where they might practice their islander culture. The majority live in Queensland and New South Wales, but there are also large communities in Victoria and Tasmania.

Aboriginal och Torres Strait Islander Professional Staden

Torres strait islander

08 Jan 2016. Within Australia, The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 has a vision that the Australian health system is free of racism and inequality.

Torres strait islander

and Torres Strait Islander Commission avhandling Betänkande Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Committee on  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers should exercise caution when reading this book as it contains names of deceased persons. © Christina Wahldén  Vissa forskare, som David Horton från Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, föreslår, "Aboriginal användning av eld hade liten  Vissa forskare, som David Horton från Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, föreslår, "Aboriginal användning av eld hade liten  en Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner , en Sex Discrimination Commissioner och en Disability Discrimination Commissioner . Brave New Women hosted by Cecilia Poullain For over 20 years, Caetlin Jopson provided medical care to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  Torres Strait Islanders (/ ˈ t ɒ r ɪ s-/) are the Indigenous peoples of the Torres Strait Islands, which are part of the state of Queensland, Australia.Ethnically distinct from the Aboriginal people of the rest of Australia, they are often grouped with them as Indigenous Australians. Torres Strait Islander law, customs, and practices are shaped by the Tagai stories. The Torres Strait Islander peoples’ deep knowledge of the stars and sea provide them with valuable information regarding changes in the seasons, when to plant gardens and hunt for turtles or the manatee-like dugong, and how to circumnavigate the seas. The Torres Strait Islands are a group of at least 274 small islands in Torres Strait, the waterway separating far northern continental Australia's Cape York Peninsula and the island of New Guinea. They span an area of 48,000 km 2 (19,000 sq mi), but their total land area is 566 km 2 (219 sq mi).
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Torres Strait Islanders behind a landmark human rights claim say they're fighting to save their homes for future generations.(Supplied: Facebook)Mr Mosby said the Torres Strait 8 were mounting the The Isolated Beauty of the Torres Strait.

Thursday Island harbour, Torres Strait · ATSIDA joins the Indigenous Archives Collective. Torres Strait Islander peoples are of Melanesian origin, and are the indigenous peoples of the Torres Strait.
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Robert Parker and Helen Milroy. 3. A History of Indigenous Psychology.

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We value the role of education in our community, and believe in supporting those who may need a little financial assistance in attaining further education. Torres Strait Islander Filmmaker. 184 likes · 1 talking about this.